In the jungle near Puerto Morelos, along the Riviera Maya’s iconic Ruta de los Cenotes, something culinary is breaking new ground.
Mexico Lindo Cooking offers cultural and sustainable gastronomic experiences to travellers and foodies from around the world. Proud of its cultural heritage, it shares Mexico’s culinary richness through cooking classes and culinary experiences in Mayan villages in the Yucatan and Quintana Roo.
It’s also set up a syntropic garden which uses regenerative agriculture techniques to grow organic produce, restores degraded soil biodiversity and helps to protect the jungle with its oxygen producing plants. The cookery school then uses the ingredients grown in the garden for its own delicious dishes.
Initially supported by the TUI Care Foundation through the COVD-19 Relief Programme for Tourism, Mexico Lindo’s garden is now one of the TUI Care Foundation’s new Field to Fork projects, which establish links with the tourism sector to enable sustainable food production and create better income opportunities in rural communities.
Garden to table experiences will soon be available as tours and classes, allowing visitors to learn all about the how to produce amazing, sustainable food in the jungle.